Long Running Processes
The problem
From time to time we see applications running for a long time - days, not hours. Most times this is a crashed process or a bad programmed application which refrains to die ;-)
On the other hand there may be tasks that simply need so much time that they run through the weekend to solve a problem. (Matlab problem solvers or simulations for example.)
We (the system administrators) usually have no clue which case is true for a specific program. Should we kill the processes to clean up the system? Or should we leave it running?
To emphasize it: we have nothing against running programs a long while. If you want to be friendly you should run those program using "nice" though.
The solution
To avoid getting killed please enter your expected usage by adding a line to this table:
Username Machine Application Expected end of execution johndoe c099 myapp.java 31.12.2099
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Running processes without "nice" and without being listed above will get killed without further notice.