Remote Access/Single Command

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If you know the final destination you can combine two sequential ssh commands into one single command by simple put them together in one line. The only required "trick" is the -t parameter. Without this the second hop "hangs" around without a connected tty-Terminal - no output/input is possible even though the connection is established.

Verbatim terminal copy-n-paste (just eliminated some text):

~$ ssh -t gtest2@login.stud ssh -t c034.cip.loc 
## Bitte auf einem der c0xx PC 'weiterhangeln' um zu arbeiten.
gtest2@login.stud's password: 
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-68-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
Last login: Wed Nov 25 16:07:41 2015 from login.cip.loc

Exactly the same is possible with PuTTY - you just have to define a specific command in the configuration dialog.

GUI applications

For Linux this will also forward "X" - every installed graphical software will run on c034 (in this example) and the graphical representation is displayed on the local machine.

To accomplish this on Windows you need an installed X-Server (e.g. Xming) of course.

See also
